en:code institute
spa & wellness centre
At the en:code Spa & Wellness Centre we design and offer unique treatments helping to re-program the whole bodily system using our specially formulated products, that only our properly attuned engineers can execute, following years of vigorous studies in learning and training in “re-programing” our complex bodily structures. Such skills are a proprietary technology only offered by our Wellness Centre.
We invite you to come experience our unique reprogramming technology and look forward to introducing you to our Life enhancing treatments.
signature re-programming treatments:
photon induced reciprocality therapy (PIRT)
Facial PIRT
by consultation
by consultation
wave therapy
UHF treatment
by consultation
ultra high frequency treatment
UV treatment
by consultation
ultra-violet treatment
IR treatment
by consultation
infra-red treatment
weight loss program
signature weight loss program
by consultation
health and beauty seminar
a presentation of the results of over 25 years research on the secrets of reverse aging
by appointment
highly customised treatments are also available, please kindly contact us
for more details
Treatments are available at the following locations (by appointment):
En:code Spa & Wellness Institute
tel : + 747 . 499 . 6063
PICER Institute & Wellness Centre
2502 Winsome House, 73 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong
tel : + 852 . 2167 . 8661
opening hours: 1200 - 2100 (Mon- Sat)