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toning cream

application directions

Step 1.

Apply onto the forehead and gently massage in an upward motion.

Step 2.

Apply onto nose, nose bridge and under the brow ridge.

Gently penetrate along the nose bridge in an upward motion extending underneath the brow ridge.

Then focus underneath the brow ridge and massage gently away from the nose bridge.

Step 3.

Gently apply under the eyes and on the temple areas.

Massage gently under the eyes along the bone of the eye sockets and extend upwards towards the temples. Focus on the temple area and maintain a circular motion for a few seconds.

Step 4.

Apply onto cheek bones and trigeminal areas.

Massage along the cheekbones and extend to the trigeminal areas. Focus on the trigeminal areas and maintain a circular motion and massage for a few seconds.

Step 5.

Apply above the lips and extend underneath the cheekbones.

Gently massage in a sideways motion along the top of the lips applying a slight pressure on the area covering the upper lip. Continue in an upward motion, focusing underneath the cheekbones, then extend in an upward circular motion to the trigeminal areas.

Apply on the chin and massage upwards towards the corners of the mouth and upper lip area. Apply slight pressure on the area covering the upper lip.

Apply a more generous amount along the lower jaw line extending upwards towards the cheeks and jaw joints. Gently massage and penetrate in an upward circular motion into the cheeks and jaw joints.

Step 6.

Apply a generous amount along the front and sides of neck. Gently stroke in an upward motion. Focus on the area underneath the chin and jaw bone and massage gently in an upward motion extending behind the jaw bone to the back of the ears.

©  2014 En:code Laboratories Corporation Ltd. All Rights Reserved

​All material provided on the web site is provided for informational purposes. No content is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment. The testimonials herein are genuine and selected for informational purposes. Individual results may vary greatly when using the same product.

All products are researched and developed in Hong Kong. Product descriptions are based on client feedback. Affects and reactions may vary. Products are not medically certified. If you should experience any discomforts, please consult your doctor.    

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